Final discussion in the Format “Aquarium” / Open mic

The speakers will be seated in the center, facing each other in a circle, with an empty chair next to them, known as the “hot” chair. All participants will have the opportunity to voluntarily join the discussion to support or challenge the main speakers or express their own ideas on the central topic. To participate, any spectator can approach the center and take the “hot” chair. After sharing their idea, they will return to their seat, freeing up the chair for others who wish to contribute.

These activities will provide an opportunity to foster a relaxed atmosphere for informal discussions and socializing, encouraging thought-provoking conversations and the exchange of innovative ideas among participants. This will create a dynamic environment that stimulates learning and connection.

During these activities, we hope to encourage participants to brainstorm and reflect on the topics discussed at the Conference. Our team will use online software to collect real-time feedback from participants.